Saturday, November 20, 2021

Cartoon Saturday

What a week it's been ...

Arizona Representative Paul Gosar was formally censured and stripped of his Congressional committee assignments after tweeting a cartoon video depicting him murdering fellow Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (after the vote, Gosar left the chamber and immediately retweeted the offending video); Der Furor's former strategist Steve Bannon defiantly entered a not guilty plea to contempt of Congress charges after refusing to give evidence about the January 6th Capitol riot; the jury has found Wisconsin vigilante Kyle Rittenhouse not guilty on all charges; House Minority "Leader" Kevin McCarthy gave a rambling and incoherent 8 and a half hour speech on Thursday night to delay the House vote on the Build Back Better Act, and succeeded only in pushing the vote to the daylight hours and getting better live news coverage as it passed on Friday; and in Michigan, an ammunition store is selling .50 caliber bullet cases laser-engraved with the coded insult, “Let’s Go Brandon.” The manufacturer of the cases describes them as a "collectable trinket" and is not worried about anyone taking offense because, “I’m not a humorless loser, and it’s not my responsibility to be concerned about the opinions of ignorant people who spend too much time reading the Metro Times, cowering in their homes, awaiting their fifth booster shot.” Wow.

This week, to commemorate the degradation of language and discourse in political life, a collection of cartoons about the language of the sociopolitical times ...

If you say it loud enough, and often enough, something is clearly "conclusively proven" ...  

Getting there first is important in childish name-calling ...

Defining "evidence" shouldn't be this tricky ...

This will probably be one of the approved school textbooks in red states ...

If "coherence" and "discernable thought" were requirements for political speech, a lot of Republican members of Congress wouldn't have a lot to say ...

It's important to understand elitist talk as well as wear a properly-fitting tinfoil hat ...

The way things are going, we'll need a lot of these in a lot of places ...

Tomato, tomahto ...

This is why I really enjoy the subject of semantics ...

The Republican National Committee gets to work on its 2024 party platform. It'll be difficult without having any actual policies, but they'll muddle through ...

And that's it for today's edition of Cartoon Saturday. We need a little humor in these trying times, right?

Have a good day, and come back tomorrow for Musical Sunday and a very timely song. More thoughts then.



  1. That last one took me back to the phone company. Ah, the good ol' days.

  2. allenwoodhaven8:02 PM

    Excellent! I especially like the Little Golden Book of Alternative Facts.
