Thursday, November 04, 2021

Will Rogers

Today is the birthday of the great American humorist, commentator, and radio personality Will Rogers, the man whose gently satirical style and down-to-earth humor I have tried (with debatable success) to emulate over the years. Will’s folksy style and common touch let him poke fun at every level of society and address controversial topics in a way everyone could appreciate, and which – not being mean-spirited or spiteful – seldom gave offense. He skillfully skewered politicians, celebrities, gangsters, and government agencies and programs without regard to party, and once noted that, “I am not a member of an organized political party. I am a Democrat.” He also commented that “Everything is changing in America. People are taking the comedians seriously and the politicians as a joke.” 

Courtesy of my son Matt, I was able to visit the Will Rogers Ranch near Los Angeles a few years ago, to get a feeling for the man I’d so long admired. It was a humbling experience and a reminder of what we've lost in the bitter political and social recriminations of today. Join me today in raising a glass to the great Will Rogers, who once said “I joked about every prominent man of my time, but I never met a man I didn’t like.” We need men like him today more than ever.

Have a good day, and strive to make America the friendly and open nation of Will Rogers, not the closed and bitter cesspool of Der Furor and his worshipers.

More thoughts tomorrow, when we present the first Ass Clown Award of the new month.


P.S. - I was named William in honor of my father, but I'm also proud to share my name with Will Rogers. These two men are my most revered heroes.


  1. Ummm, how do we get from Thursday to Saturday without going through Friday?

  2. You don't. I fixed it.

  3. Good, because Friday is Popcorn Day here, and I won't EVER wanna miss Popcorn Day!

  4. "You wire the state or the federal government that our cow or dog is sick and they will send out experts from Washington and appropriate money to eradicate the cause. You wire them that your baby has the diphtheria or scarlet fever and see what they do....why can’t we get a government to at least do for a child’s protection, what they do for a cow or a hog?"

    Still true today.
