Saturday, July 16, 2022

Cartoon Saturday

Can we find the person who organizes these weeks and just shoot him (or her, or pronoun of choice) into space?

NASA released the first stunning images from the Webb Space Telescope, their quality far exceeding the most optimistic expectations of the scientific community; the Department of Homeland Security's inspector general announced that the Secret Service deleted agents' text messages from January 5th and 6th, 2021, after being ordered to produce them by oversight officials investigating the agency's response to the January 6th riot; in true fashion, Der Furor's announcement of his ex-wife Ivana's apparently accidental death included a link for contributions to his PAC; six people were killed in a twenty-one vehicle crash on Interstate 90 in Montana caused by a huge dust storm; during his visit to Saudi Arabia, President Biden raised the issue of the murder of Washington Post journalist Jamal Khashoggi, which the Intelligence Community assesses was ordered by the Saudi crown prince ... predictably, the Saudis denied any responsibility; and in England, doctors are recommending that people help cope with the extreme heat wave by not wearing underwear, but warn men against possible injuries when closing zippers.

I'm feeling old and grouchy this morning, so I figured I'd offer up a set of cartoons about the joys and pitfalls of advancing age.

Yes, it's a lot of fun, even if the title is honorary ...   

The trailer we want to see ...

They need to add a fifth horseman for Aches ...

I can relate ...

Breakfast of geriatric champions ...

Apologies for those of you not familiar with the classic character of Pippi Longstocking ...

The need for that supplement package is getting more important by the day ...

It's been a long time since I was able to move without sound effects ...

Yes, there's a downside to healthy living ...

Shack! ...

Have a good day and a great weekend, and come back tomorrow for Musical Sunday. More thoughts then.



  1. And I was born in the first half of the 1900s.

  2. allenwoodhaven9:08 PM

    These are really good, some too true. My favorite is downside to healthy living. Thanks!

  3. those extra twenty years hopefully won't be too bad for me, since I didn't put too much effort into the healthy living part.
