Friday, December 23, 2022

Great Moments in Editing and Signage (Holiday Edition)

Today marks our last edition of Great Moments for 2022, and since Christmas is just a few days off, I thought a few holiday-themed moments would be appropriate ...

Not sure who's buying these ... Vladimir Putin or American far-right militias ...  

Well, it's one way to get them taken down ...

Sounds like Christmas at our house ...

Uh ...

I'll have to remember this next year ...

It's not strictly speaking a Christmas gift idea, but if the shoe fits ...

All the better men are named Bill, aren't they? ...

Only in America ...

Um, I think I'll pass on the shorts ...

Trust me, you won't be happier, either ...

And that's it for the [Enter Preferred December Holiday Here] selection of Great Moments in Editing and Signage ... it will return in the new year. In the meantime, come back tomorrow for the traditional Christmas Eve post here at Bilbo's Random Thought Collection ... more thoughts then.



  1. My father-in-law actually got my mother-in-law a vacuum one Christmas.

  2. #1-I knew there was a war on Christmas!

    A fine collection today.

  3. Mike - how long was he in the hospital?

    John - the signs are all out there!
