Saturday, September 23, 2023

Cartoon Saturday

Seven days left for Congressional Republicans to pull their heads out of their collective rear ends and fund the government. Don't hold your breath. 

Two persons were killed and several others seriously injured when a bus transporting a high school band rolled down a hillside on a New York highway; Fox News Corporation CEO Rupert Murdoch, having done enough damage to the nation, stepped down from his position in favor of his son, Lachlan; unable to agree on much of anything, House Republicans went home for the weekend, increasing the likelihood of a partial shutdown of the federal government on October 1st; the United Auto Workers union continued its strike against the three major automakers; and in (where else?) Florida, two men accused of tapping into home security cameras "hundreds of times" to observe a woman dressing and undressing and having sex with her husband have been acquitted by a West Palm Beach jury

As we watch Congress barrel toward the self-inflicted wound of another government shutdown, I thought a collection of cartoons about clowns would be appropriate ...

If only it worked like that ...

I somehow don't think that was the original idea, but it's still funny ...

I'm waiting for Der Furor's lawyers to try this one ...

I guess I'd be insulted, too ...

Can you return a goose call for being too good? ...

I'd hate to be in those shoes ...

It's certainly good preparation ...

The Trojan War-era birth of the clown car ...

They scare me, too ...

Now, THAT is a scary clown ...

Clowns are funnier when you don't vote for them. Please stop.

Have a good day and a great weekend. More thoughts tomorrow, when Poetry Sunday takes a walk on the beach. See you then.



  1. Neither clown humour nor potty humour normally interest me, but for some reason I laughed out loud at the clown in front of the urinal!

  2. Never wear shoes longer than your...

  3. allenwoodhaven11:03 PM

    These are terrific; thanks! i especially like the single balloon payment, the urinal, and the clown trojan horse.
