Sunday, October 29, 2023

Musical Sunday

Yesterday we celebrated the birthday of country music star Charlie Daniels, who went to that big hayride in the sky back in 2020. What could be more appropriate (and more timely) for our last Musical Sunday of the Halloween season than Charlie Daniels' story of the time the devil went down to Georgia ....

Yes, the Devil did go down to Georgia, but it wasn't souls he was looking to steal. And this time, he's not facing Johnny's bow, but Fani's jury.

Have a good day and enjoy the rest of your weekend. More thoughts coming.



  1. Fani should have this playing really low on her phone while she's grilling the devils that came down to Georgia.

  2. allenwoodhaven9:30 PM

    Great song! I always liked it a lot but hadn't heard it in many years. Nice to be reminded of it!

    Facing Fani's jury - Excellent!
