Tuesday, April 16, 2024

Der Furor as Poster Child for The Seven Deadly Sins

One of my favorite movies is the brilliant "Se7en," which followed the attempts of detectives Morgan Freeman and Brad Pitt to catch a sadistic murderer whose victims represent the embodiment of the Seven Deadly Sins. It occurs to me, as it has frequently, that the Seven Deadly Sins are a convenient way to frame Der Furor's behavior and fitness (or lack thereof) for a return to the presidency. I wrote about this back in March of 2018, and now seems like a good time to revisit the issue ..

Envy is defined as a resentful covetousness towards the traits, possessions, or achievements of someone else. Consider that Der Furor repeatedly promised but never delivered an “infrastructure week,” to the point it became a running joke. He tried relentlessly to undermine President Biden’s infrastructure bill, and when Biden actually delivered it, he and his GOP sycophants were quick to take credit for its benefits after doing their best to tank it.

Greed is the inordinate desire to acquire or possess more than one needs, especially material wealth. Der Furor's homes are heavily decorated with gold. ‘Nuff said.

While we tend to think of Gluttony in terms of overeating, it traditionally refers to obsessive overindulgence and materialism. It's like greed on steroids

I think a strong case could be made for Der Furor as the poster child for Lust: “I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything ... Grab ’em by the pussy. You can do anything.” Need I say more?

Pride: Der Furor is a man who puts his name on everything you can imagine, from buildings to golf courses to vodka. And, of course, he’s the guy who always lets us know that “Nobody knows more about (insert topic) than me.”

Sloth has been defined as absence of interest in things of importance, a disinclination to exertion, and a wanton neglect of one’s responsibilities. When running for the presidency, Der Furor claimed he wouldn’t have time to play golf, because he’d be working every day for America, yet he spent a huge amount of time on the links. One also notes that Der Furor was observed falling asleep during his criminal trial in Manhattan yesterday. 

Wrath is the exercise of uncontrolled feelings of rage or hatred, often manifesting itself in a desire for vengeance. We all know that Der Furor was famous for leading chants of "lock her up!" about Hillary Clinton, but his recent record of angrily hateful rhetoric and need for revenge on his foes goes far beyond any "normal" political hyperbole. 

And, of course, there was the famous Golden Idol, which probably combines pride, greed, and gluttony ...

If you're one of those deluded folks who believes Der Furor was sent by God to save America, you may want to question why the deity would select so woefully unsuitable a messenger.

Have a good day. More thoughts coming. 


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