Saturday, June 29, 2024

Cartoon Saturday

Boy, am I glad THIS month is almost over ... 

Israel’s Supreme Court ruled that ultraorthodox Jewish citizens of the country will no longer be exempt from mandatory military service; the Supreme Court has sided with a suit brought by January 6th rioters, ruling that the Department of Justice overstepped its authority when it charged them with "obstruction of an official proceeding;" President Biden and Der Furor squared off in the ugly and unsettling first presidential debate of the 2024 campaign; the Chief Education Officer of Oklahoma announced that all Oklahoma schools must immediately incorporate the Bible and the Ten Commandments in their curriculums; and from the Department of Did You Really Pay Money for That Study?, the Hawaii Tourism Authority's latest Visitor Satisfaction and Activity Survey results show that visitors’ experience on Maui have improved since the Aug. 8 wildfires.

After the presidential debate this past week, it's clear that only one person can fix our problems ... Superman!

Uh, oh ...

I wonder if John ever had problems like this back in his magician days ...

Who'd have thought I'd have something in common with Superman? ...

Even superheroes aren't immune from identity theft ...

Yeah, that would have been me ...

With great power of attorney comes great responsibility. We need more attorneys who can act responsibly ...

Superman: the golden years ...

The lineup ...

Texting while flying can be as dangerous as texting while driving ...

I've often wondered if that wasn't a drawback to the power of flight ...

And there you go - the final edition of Cartoon Saturday for the month of June. I hope it gave you a few laughs to help get over all the depressing news.

Have a good day and a great weekend, and come back tomorrow for an updated version of The Drifters' classic tune "Up on the Roof." See you then with more thoughts.


1 comment:

  1. allenwoodhaven10:19 PM

    Terrific edition! Lots of out loud laughs, especially the heimlich maneuver and the line up. Thanks!
