Saturday, July 13, 2024

Cartoon Saturday

We're on the road this weekend for our granddaughter's wedding, but I wouldn't want to leave you without your cartoon fix. I don't have the time to do the usual news summary, so let's get right to the cartoons, with a look at that most famous of deceptive maneuvers, the Trojan Horse ..

I don't blame him ... 

Somebody has to take the rap ...

Those crafty Greeks are certainly up on their technology ...

By the time they got it built, everyone would have forgotten why they were fighting in the first place ...

Good observation ...

Wait for the Beta version ...

This does not surprise me in the least ...

You have to imagine this one with a deadpan delivery ...

I hope they got free shipping for a package that big ...

I have no doubt that this one would work ...

Have a good day and a great weekend. See you tomorrow for Musical Sunday - more thoughts then.



  1. allenwoodhaven8:41 PM

    Most importantly, congratulations on the family wedding! I'm sure it was a happy time.

    This week was stellar! Still laughing from the first one.

  2. I like the Trojan hearse.
