Sunday, September 08, 2024

Musical Sunday

I know that I sound like a broken record when I keep harping on the curse of money in politics, but I can't help it ... it drives me crazy*. This classic tune from Abba isn't about money in politics per se, but it does remind us of what makes the world go 'round.

Have a good day and enjoy the rest of your weekend and remember - we've got the best government money can buy. Let's see if we can do some infrastructure work on it by voting blue at every level this November!

More thoughts coming.


* Those who know me well would say it's less a drive than a short putt.


  1. We can only hope that enough people get there heads out their butts and switch from red to blue.

  2. Anonymous1:15 PM

    Biden's infrastructure bill fixed everything, don't you know?
