Friday, September 06, 2024

The Right-Cheek Ass Clown for September, 2024

I generally like to make my Ass Clown Award picks as currently topical as possible, but since I'm on vacation without reliable wi-fi connections, I needed to make this selection a bit in advance. Nevertheless, I think it's probably a still-timely and well-deserved selection.

Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Readers, we begin the new month with the award of the tinfoil and toilet paper crown for

The Right-Cheek Ass Clown for September, 2024


Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.

When a political figure is rejected even by members of his own family*, one has to wonder what that person has to offer to a thinking voter. 

Mr Kennedy has gained notoriety for his embrace of conspiracy theories, anti-vaccination stance, his odd claim that doctors had found a dead worm in his head, and his bizarre story of dumping a dead bear in New York's Central Park, for starters. His decision to endorse Der Furor and suspend his candidacy for the presidency (but only in closely-contested states where his supporters might go on to support Der Furor) was a mixture of cynical self-interest and realization that his political vanity project was going nowhere.

Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Readers, Robert F. Kennedy, Jr, is named as the Right-Cheek Ass Clown for September, 2024. We can add him to the list of those who should never be anywhere near any elective office, much less the presidency

Have a good day, and come back tomorrow for Cartoon Saturday, when we once again salute those who give their artificial lives to help keep us safe - crash test dummies. More thoughts then.


* Perhaps it's a GOP thing ... Arizona Representative Paul Gosar's family rejected him, too.


  1. Anonymous11:43 AM

    See the family of the VP for reference!

  2. He's just as goofy as tRUMP.

  3. allenwoodhaven9:10 PM

    A great pick. He deserves a long Bronx cheer.

    There's a reason the weird label sticks... It's true!
