Friday, January 03, 2025

Great Moments in Editing and Signage

Welcome to the first edition of Great Moments in Editing and Signage for 2025! Let's get right to it -

Are they selling vasectomies or snacks?

I've long known that the math used by car dealerships is a little dodgy ...

I know what they meant to say, but ...

If you need a polka table, call now!!

This is the sort of care you can expect when you have a single-payer health care system (aka, "socialized medicine") ...

The lesson here is: don't mail your gallstones to your friends, use FedEx or UPS ...

MAGA pets ...

Athletes' math is almost as good as auto dealers' math ...

I wonder if it was the painter's last day ...

Someone really had a blast writing this headline ...

And that's it for your first Great Moments post of the new year - hope you enjoyed it.

If you need a New Year's resolution, why not resolve to seek out Great Moments in your environment and send 'em to ol' Bilbo ... he can always use the help!

Have a good day and a great weekend. More thoughts coming tomorrow, in the first Cartoon Saturday of the new year. See you then.



  1. allenwoodhaven11:50 PM

    A good way to start the year. Thanks!

  2. Some good ones here tod... yesterday.
