Saturday, March 01, 2025

Cartoon Saturday

The last eleven days of January and all 28 days of February sucked. Now we have March to look forward to ...

Der Furor and "Vice President" JD Vance berated Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskyy in an astonishing display of crude bullying in the Oval Office, accusing the Ukrainian president of being "disrespectful" and of not being sufficiently thankful for previous US aid; during his visit to the White House on Monday, French President Emanuel Macron provided reality lessons to a scowling Der Furor who slumped scowling in his chair at the sort of rebuke he's not used to hearing; an unvaccinated school-aged child died in Texas from measles - the first death since the dangerous disease was thought to have been eradicated in 2000; Andrew and Tristan Tate, misogynistic "influencers" who had been in prison in Romania on suspicion of human trafficking and rape, were released and allowed to return to the United States, apparently on the request of Der Furor's administration; and federal officials have cancelled a Food and Drug Administration vaccine advisory committee meeting scheduled for March to select the strains to be included in next season’s flu shot - in the middle of a particularly severe flu season in which 86 children and 19,000 adults have already died. 

This week, in honor of the imperial aspirations of Der Furor, a collection of cartoons about kings ... 

Der Furor picks his advisors the same way ...

Well, he would, wouldn't he? ...

It's one of Der Furor's policies, too ...

There are Super PACs for kings, too ...

Incoming!! ...

Fun for some, sure ...

How Musk went from crown prince to king ...

It's all in what you care about ...

Der Furor is asking this every day ...

Not any more ... the United States is asking for tips on better dictatorship ...

And that's it for today's royal edition of Cartoon Saturday ... you may kowtow on your way out.

Have a good day and a great weekend. More thoughts tomorrow, when we visit someone at the other end of the economic and political spectrum.


1 comment:

  1. allenwoodhaven9:15 PM

    Most excellent edition! Very difficult to pick a favorite but "how long till they call me great?" makes me laugh the most. Thanks!
