Sex: A person’s immutable biological classification as either male or female;
Female: a person of the sex characterized by a reproductive system with the biological function of producing eggs (ova). The naturally inferior and submissive sex.
Male: a person of the sex characterized by a reproductive system with the biological function of producing sperm. The naturally superior and dominant sex.
Woman: an adult human female, intended by nature to reproduce and to serve as a housewife. Appropriate social controls need to be placed on women for their protection.
Girl: a minor human female, learning her natural role as housewife and mother. Appropriate social controls need to be placed on girls for their protection.
Man: an adult human male, intended by nature to dominate the woman and serve as the sole protector and provider for his family;
Boy: a minor human male, learning his natural role as dominator, protector, and provider;
Mother: a female parent, responsible for bearing children and caring for her family by performing domestic tasks (cooking, cleaning, etc);
Father: a male parent, head of the family, and responsible for ensuring that the mother and female children perform their tasks and that the male children learn to grow into their dominant role;
The following terms were somehow missed in the original imperial decree executive order and implementing HHS guidance, and will no doubt be added in subsequent revisions:
Husband: the adult male head of a family and of a household.
Wife: the adult female who manages a household under the guidance and supervision of a husband.
Family: a social unit consisting of an adult male parent (father), an adult female parent (mother), and children of either or both sexes. The family ensures the propagation of the human species and trains children to assume the future roles appropriate to their sex.
Parent: an adult male (father, head of the family) or female (mother) who ensures the propagation of the species and the education of children for their proper social roles.
Child: the generic offspring of parents, regardless of sex.
Son: the male offspring of a parent, who learns his role as the dominant sex and master of a future family from the male parent.
Daughter: the female offspring of a parent, who learns from the mother her submissive role as the bearer of children and manager of the household of a future family led by a husband.
Grandmother: an adult human female, the mother of a child's parent, responsible for assisting the mother in the education and rearing of female children for their place as future child bearers and performers of routine household duties;
Grandfather: an adult human male, the father of a child's parent, responsible for assisting the father in the education and rearing of male children to assume their place as future dominators, protectors, and providers.
If I've forgotten any other ones, let me know.
Do an essay on the 109.
ReplyDeleteDone. See tomorrow's (3/4) post.