Saturday, December 08, 2012

Cartoon Saturday

It's just over two weeks until Christmas. If you haven't gotten my gift wish list yet, you'd better ask for it soon!

A customer who ordered an iPad from Best Buy and was delivered five by mistake was told by the company to keep them and "give them to people in need – friends, family, a local school or charity;" the Supreme Court has agreed to hear two constitutional challenges to state and federal laws dealing with the recognition of gay and lesbian marriages; two Australian disk jockeys have been suspended after a prank call to the nurse attending Britain's Princess Catherine apparently led to the nurse's suicide; ass clownery in the Senate hit a new low yesterday as GOP Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, who - in a political move designed to embarrass the Democrats - called for a vote on a bill he had no intention of supporting, ended up having to filibuster himself in order to prevent the vote from being taken; and federal agencies, unsure of what will happen as Congressional gridlock pushes the nation toward the "fiscal cliff," have begun planning in earnest for layoffs, contract cancellations, and other drastic measures to continue operations with severely reduced funding.

Just another day swirling around the black hole where Capitol Hill used to be. Let's get to the cartoons ...

How odd ideas are born ...

Did you ever wonder where Congress gets the questionable data it uses as a basis for its wild ideas? ...

From the gawd-awful puns department ...

How future generations will catalog some of the asinine commentary that passes for political dialog ...

The banks and airlines are running out of things to charge extra fees on, so this is probably the next step ...

How would a food critic address the subject of genetically modified foods? Here's one idea ...

They're not getting anything else done ... we might as well use them for something ...

You knew this one had to show up someday ...

This one is a near-perfect twist on the real world ...

And finally, sometimes there really is justice ...

And that's it for this week. Quit reading and finish addressing your Christmas cards, decorating your tree, and doing your Christmas shopping. But be sure to come back tomorrow.

More thoughts then.
