Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Keeping an Eye on the Army

Every once in a while comes a story so utterly bizarre that I find myself, quite uncharacteristically, at a loss for words. Here is the latest one: "Abbott Orders Texas Guard to 'Monitor' Planned Military Exercises."

Yes, Dear Readers, the governor of Texas - Greg Abbott - has called out the National Guard to keep an eye on the US Army as it conducts a two month training maneuver called "Jade Helm" in remote areas of the Lone Star State. Apparently, some of the more touchy residents of the state are concerned that the maneuvers might be a cover for some "nefarious" activity ... such as a dastardly attempt to confiscate everyone's guns, or confine citizens to FEMA concentration camps. The governor sent the following tweet to his constituents

I've ordered the Texas State Guard to monitor Jade Helm 15 to safeguard Texans' constitutional rights, private property & civil liberties.*


The extreme right in this country has really gone 'round the bend when a state governor ... even in a notoriously prickly place like Texas ... thinks he needs to call out the National Guard to protect his citizens from the United States Army.

I don't know whether to be disgusted or just shake my head in amazement.

Okay ... I've decided on being disgusted.

Have a good day. More thoughts tomorrow.


* Read the comments on the tweet. Scary.


  1. Can we have a third ass clown? This one trumps the other two.

  2. Angel may have something.
    However, since the right and left cheeks have been already handed out, I suppose he'd have to be the "asshole" of the month!

  3. LET THEM SECEDE!!! We can put up border walls to keep them all out!

  4. That's a dumb move strictly to soothe the wing nuts! Shall the Texas Guard issue citations?

    I'm disgusted.

  5. I'm disgusted. John Hill's idea is a good one. You can award him the cloaca.

  6. Maybe the US should just close all military installations in Texas. Problem solved.

  7. No comment today, Bilbo...from your Texas friend.

  8. allenwoodhaven6:20 PM

    This would seem to be unbelievable! The comments were scary indeed. There are a lot of disturbed people out there....

  9. allenwoodhaven6:27 PM

    Your label for this post is "I couldn't make this stuff up". I fervently hope that you wouldn't want to!

  10. Ft. Hood (armor) is located in Texas. How do you argue with guys in a tank?
