Thursday, April 30, 2015

Book Memes

In case you hadn't noticed, I'm rather fond of reading. A love of books and learning was one of the greatest gifts I got from my mother, and I've tried to pass that love on to my children and grandchildren. Sadly, few people nowadays seem to enjoy reading as much as I do (you, Dear Readers, are the obvious exceptions).

Over time I have accumulated a fairly large collection of memes about books and reading that I've found enjoyable; here are some of them that you may enjoy as well ...

I'm sure that my own fits this bill ...

Nice neologism ...

This combines nicely with another meme that's going around, in which the ending is "...I believe I'll have another beer/glass of wine/cup of coffee."

And they never complain when you want to read a favorite passage over and over and over ...


This is very true ... but it requires reading of books representing many points of view, and recognizing logical fallacies. Sadly, neither of these are universal ...

There is absolutely nothing in this world more fun and rewarding than reading to a child ...

I really like the "or," here ...

Less dangerous than drugs, but equally addicting ...

Have a good day. Read more, and read widely ... it's an investment in your future. And ours.

Come back tomorrow for our latest collection of Great Moments in Editing. More thoughts then.



  1. Excellent memes about books. Books offer some adventures for the mind, and are unfailing entertainment.

    They also offer unforgettable people. I like John Sandford's Virgil.

  2. You are so right, Bilbo...reading is such a great adventure, both for learning and for entertainment. Enjoyed your quotes.

  3. Oh I love these Bilbo.
    I am the only human who does not read via computer. I think I keep Amazon in business with hard covers. I wish there was a frequent reading card for points toward other books.

  4. Did you deliberately post this the day before your biweekly editing column? If not, it's a wonderful juxtaposition. Maybe tomorrow's editors should read more...

  5. Remember the summer reading clubs in grade school?

  6. A wise view about reading to children!

  7. allenwoodhaven6:46 PM

    These are great! I especially like the one "Reading can seriously damage your ignorance."
