Friday, May 01, 2015

Great Moments in Editing

It's the start of a new month, and since it's also the first Friday of May and we "honored" our Left Cheek Ass Clown last week, that means it's time once again to review the latest crop of Great Moments in Editing ...

It's 70% fresh and 30% ... uh ... I'll go with the tofu, thanks ...

People have odd names for their children, why not their pets? ...

I've heard of really unreasonable bosses before, but this takes the cake! ...

Something for everyone but PETA ...

Wow! I'll have to try this out ...

And she says "Siss, Boom, Bark!"

It wouldn't be a real collection if we didn't have a bizarre Chinese menu translation, would it? ...

Even I can follow directions this simple ...

Yes, he's really cleaning up the town ...

We may not really needs a Liquor Control Board, but we surely needs an English teacher ...

Welcome to May! Have a good day, and come back tomorrow for Cartoon Saturday. More thoughts then.



  1. Those are amazing failures to edit! Oh well, I'll join you with the tofu. And I can assert that we does need a liquor control board.

    That dog must have a lot of spirit! Or the owner have spirits.

  2. I'm imagining Foster Brooks asking the question, "Does we really need a liquor control board?"

    I know, I know. I'm showing my age with a Foster Brooks comment.

  3. Very funny....I'm going to turn on the lights so I can see better.

  4. The dog isn't lost. It ran away and is now trying to get that silly outfit off.

  5. What an unfortunate name for a cat! He should sue.

    What's the other 30%? The world wonders.
