Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Doing the Poll Dance

My daughter drew my attention yesterday afternoon to this article in the Washington Post: Voldemort Is Polling Better Than Many Republican Presidential Candidates.

The chart below, from the article, plots favorability ratings of the current crop of presidential wannabes from the latest Washington Post-ABC News and Quinnipiac polls against a survey of Internet users about their feelings toward four of Hollywood's favorite villains ...

What it shows is that Lord Voldemort - the epitome of evil from the Harry Potter stories - is more popular than most of the GOP front-runners ... and that all of the Democratic front-runners and the rest of the Republicans are less popular than Darth Vader, the Terminator, and the shark from Jaws.

Of course, this is not a fully scientific survey, but it does say something about the perceived quality of the people who want to convince us that they are capable and worthy of leading this great nation.

I don't know about you, but Lord Voldemort is looking pretty good right now. And so are others ...

Have a good day. More thoughts tomorrow.



  1. Where can I get my 'Darth Vader for President' bumper sticker?

  2. Not surprisingly, Donald Trump is at the bottom.

  3. I want to vote Saxon! (something only a Doctor Who fan would understand)

  4. I thought Darth Vader was Bushs' vice president.

  5. Mike - it's a common mistake.

  6. Hmmm....and we are going to be voting in the not too distant future to narrow down the field. Really? Ugh!

  7. allenwoodhaven6:01 PM

    "Why choose the lesser evil" That's quite a campaign slogan!
    It just might work....

  8. I guess we'll have a new meaning to Jump the Shark!
