Thursday, June 11, 2015

The Too-Much-Information App

If you own a smartphone (and nowadays, who doesn't?), you know that there are bazillions of software applications, colloquially known as apps, out there to help you use that phone to do just about anything you can imagine. And a lot of things you probably wouldn't.

Dear Readers, I call your attention to the latest feature which will be a part of the new operating system update for Apple iPhones this fall: a new set of health-tracking features that will allow one to track every aspect of their "reproductive health," including how often one has sex, and whether or not "protection" was used ...

I'm not sure about you, but that's way more information than I think I need to track. And in any case, I'm pushing 65, and really don't need a software application to track how often I'm not having sex any more.

But I suppose this app will be useful for many people, particularly those who are fond of using their fitness-tracking apps to let the rest of us know, via direct updates to Facebook or Twitter, that they're busy sculpting their magnificent bodies while we're reaching for that last donut in the box. 

And what potential updates can we foresee for this application? ...

Any other suggestions?

Have a good day. More thoughts tomorrow.



  1. I can't wait until this app is available for Android users!

  2. I find these apps to be so silly. (ok stupid but I thought silly sounded better but stupid is far more accurate)

    Really? If you don't know how often you've had sex and if you've used protection, then my goodness you have much larger issues, that is for damn sure!

  3. The temperature app will pass information to the reproductive health app. A loud siren alarm will go off with a urgent sounding voice yelling, "HAVE SEX NOW! HAVE SEX NOW!".

  4. I'm laughing at Mike's comment...nothing like announcing this whole thing to the world.

  5. allenwoodhaven7:19 PM

    TMI app indeed. Certainly there are some who'd want such info, but it's not relevant for most of the vast numbers who have an iPhone. That includes me!

  6. How about an app announcing when was the last date the wearer got laid?

  7. Some of the fitbit or other users might like the information too!

  8. Angel - that would be far too discouraging for some of us.
