Saturday, August 20, 2016

Cartoon Saturday

August drags on ...

The tremendous earthquake you thought you felt was Donald Trump apologizing ... sort of ... for some (unspecified) of his disgusting rhetoric; massive floods in Louisiana are being called the worst natural disaster in the US since hurricane Sandy; the Department of Justice has announced it will phase out the use of privately-operated Federal prisons; shock rock star Alice Cooper has announced his latest run for the presidency, under the campaign slogan "I can do nothing as well as they can do nothing"*; and the State Department claims that a $400 million payment to Iran was used as "leverage" to ensure the release of American hostages, and was not a "ransom"**.

I'm sick of the whole political circus, too. Let's get to the cartoons - this week, we'll get musical with cartoons taking off on the lyrics to popular songs.

Fifty ways to ... uh ... never mind ...

They're blinding you with science ...

Where to go when the pharmacist doesn't know the answer ...

The clowns are all in Congress, so ...

Smart kid ...

And when he grows up ...

She seems to have entered the wrong shop ...

It's a clue ...

Ah, WOOOO ...

When your resume is all over the place ...

And so goes this week's edition of Cartoon Saturday. I hope it helped you take your mind off of whatever your mind has been on.

It's going to be another hot weekend here in NoVa, but not quite as horrendously steamy as the last few days. Perhaps I'll even be able to go outside without a snorkel to get away from the TV, the radio, and the newspapers for a while.

Have a good day and a great weekend. More thoughts tomorrow, on Musical Sunday.


* True.

** You say "tomato," I say "to-mah-to."


  1. Funny cartoons --- but what's the Ms Sinatra one?

  2. Nancy Sinatra - These boots are made for walking

    A fine note to begin the weekend!

  3. Maybe a drum should be a required retirement gift.

  4. I love your cartoons playing on the lyrics of songs. Some I had to google; but they were surprises!

  5. allenwoodhaven8:05 PM

    Go Ask Alice is fabulous! I can always count on Cartoon Saturday to be great.
