Friday, August 19, 2016

Great Moments in Editing and Signage

He's back!!

Yes, Agnes and I are back from our little vacation ... we drove down to Chincoteague Island to spend some time splashing in the ocean with our grandchildren, eating seafood, and watching the wild ponies. In an election year, it's nice to be able to see a whole horse once in a while.

But now we're back and ready to get back into the swing of things. The "Ask Bilbo" questions are trickling in and will be answered on Monday; in the meantime, let's get ready for the weekend with more Great Moments in Editing and Signage ...

There are some odd thieves out there ...

Be sure to get there early to get the best pieces ...

We're sorry, too ...

Say that again, please ...

I'd suspect it, too ...

I'm shocked ... shocked, I tell you! ...

I think this sums up the level of understanding of much of the electorate ...

It's about time we honored our wait staffs ...

This office really needs an assistant ...

I think this should be the official wine of Congress ...

Great moments in editing and signage ... because not all the stupidity is coming out of Washington.

Have a good day. More thoughts tomorrow, when Cartoon Saturday returns. Be here.



  1. Must have been damned fine wait staff!

  2. Video tasting doesn't sound like much fun for the viewer.

  3. Wait! Is solid waste referring to poop?

  4. allenwoodhaven7:28 PM

    A fine fine edition. So many great ones! The guy from Charlestown is unfortunately not beyond belief...

    Glad you got to see some whole horses for a change!

  5. Incontinence from a taco shop. Sounds about right.

  6. That Weston resident who left cash under a door mat, and a note about it on the door - What was she or he thinking?

  7. Angel, you make me smile!

    Another fine collection, Bilbo.
    Glad you had a good time on your get-away.
