Saturday, July 06, 2019

Cartoon Saturday

We've survived the Fourth of July as re-branded by Der Furor. Now we can move on to the next outrageous abuse of presidential decorum and authority ... but first, the news:

Comedian Arte Johnson, the "verrrrry interesting" and hysterically funny star of Rowan and Martin's Laugh-In, passed away at the age of 90; a tragic fire at a Jim Beam warehouse in Kentucky destroyed 45,000 barrels of bourbon, just when they were most needed to help us get through the presidential campaign; a Navy SEAL charged with premeditated murder and numerous other charges was acquitted, but was reduced in rank and will have his pay reduced for four months; the administration did a 180 degree turn when, after telling the courts it was going to drop the problematic census question on citizenship status, Der Furor tweeted that he still wanted it; and in France, a rooster named Maurice has been hauled into court and charged by his owners' new neighbors with disturbing the peace by crowing too loudly.

This week, in honor of the unexpected success of Der Furor in delivering a relatively coherent and non-partisan speech, I thought a collection of cartoons about public speaking would be appropriate ...

At the White House speechwriting staff meeting ...

A sign of the times ...

The funeral oration, updated ...

God rethinks a commandment ...

Not quite a thumbs-up ...

"Free" speech, updated ...

Most Congressional hearings are like this ...

Take-your-child-to-work-day fail ...

Getting ready ...

Even kings need focus groups to review their speeches ...

Have a good day and a great weekend. More thoughts tomorrow when Poetry Sunday returns.



  1. I think tRUMP would like the 'more harsh torture techniques' better.

  2. allenwoodhaven9:10 PM

    Sheep dung is the best choice for such occasions!

    Excellent edition. We can always count on you Bilbo; thanks!
