Saturday, November 16, 2019

Cartoon Saturday

It’s been a heckuva week ...

In the middle of testimony before the House Intelligence Committee by former Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovich, Der Furor tweeted a clearly intimidating message aimed at the witness; the Veneto regional council, which is located on Venice's Grand Canal, was flooded for the first time in its history on Tuesday night, just after it rejected measures to combat climate change; a federal jury has convicted longtime Trump confidant Roger Stone of lying to Congress and witness tampering; three Indiana circuit court judges have been suspended following a drunken brawl that left two of them hospitalized with gunshot wounds; and for the second time in two days, Der Furor on Friday asked the Supreme Court to protect his financial records from disclosure to investigators.

This week, in honor of Der Furor's delusions of grandeur and assertion that he can do whatever he wants, I thought a collection of cartoons about kings would be timely ...

The most transparent president in history insists that everyone else reveal theirs, but will go to the Supreme Court to avoid revealing his own ...

Using the right type for a declaration of war is important ...

I'm not sure about the "funny" part ...

After all, the right to keep and bear pitchforks shall not be abridged ...

Staff shakeup by actual defenestration would probably be Der Furor's first choice ...

He'd bring back waterboarding, too ...

True ...

When kings compare social media strength ...

It's well known that Der Furor isn't too interested in information that goes against his beliefs ...

It's not always good to be the guy delivering the bad news ...

And that's it for this royal edition of Cartoon Saturday ... I hope it helped you cope with the events of the past week. Too bad we can't do a royal flush ... for real*.

Have a good day and a great weekend. More thoughts tomorrow, when Musical Sunday returns.



  1. Thanks for starting my Saturday morning the right way...with a laugh. I hear rumbling in Trumplethinskin's kingdom and I like it. Do you think we can put it to music?

  2. "What do we do?" Have a meeting. But first, we need a meeting to decide when to have the meeting.

  3. allenwoodhaven10:04 PM

    Good ones!
