Friday, November 15, 2019

Great Moments in Editing and Signage

Here we go again ...

And some of them vote, too ...

Any size, as long as it's large ...

I'd have been disappointed, too ...

I've been looking for cheaper alternatives, but this may be a bit much ...

Life-like! ...

Well, who better? ...

Liverache played it! ...

I don't think that's quite kosher ...

That's a long record ...

It depends on where it happened ... if it took place on Capitol Hill, it might go unnoticed ...

And that's it for today ... you can go back to laughing at Congressional Republicans now.

Have a good day, and come back tomorrow for Cartoon Saturday ... more thoughts then.



  1. You see the word Liverache and think, is that spelled wrong or what! But then you try and think how it really is spelled, but Liverache has just been burned into your brain. So you try and look it up. Google will help, especially knowing it's with a B and a V. Google comes back with Liberace and that doesn't look right either. Liberace needs a ' at the end.

  2. allenwoodhaven10:06 PM

    Always a pleasure, Bilbo. Thanks!

  3. Y'know, if that person with the "Elixir of Immortality" was arrested in 2004, 1965, 1923, and 1866, maybe, just *maybe*, it's not a scam after all...

    Just sayin'.
