Saturday, November 27, 2021

Cartoon Saturday

No shortage of news this week ...

In Georgia, three men were convicted of murdering black jogger Ahmaud Arbery, and face a minimum sentence of life in prison; as if the delta variant wasn't bad enough, a new variant of Coronavirus identified in South Africa may be the "most significant to date;" in a move to stop the spread of violent behavior by commercial airline passengers, the Justice Department has directed U.S. attorneys across the country to prioritize prosecution of federal crimes that happen on commercial flights; Former NRA spokeswoman Dana Loesch has written "Paws Off My Cannon," a "fun yet compelling" children's book about the right to keep and bear arms, saying that says the book presents the need for self-defense 'in a fun way that kids will enjoy'; and a spokesperson for FedEx said that "the security of our customers’ shipments is a top priority and we are committed to treating our customers’ packages with the utmost care" after between 300 and 400 FedEx packages were found dumped in an Alabama ravine.

This week, in "honor" of the mess social media has made of our lives and society, a collection of jokes about that topic ...

Shadow pictures, 2.0 ...  

That would be a good sign ...

It probably needs an award ...

Bigfoot, on social media and in person ...

Bigfoot also has friend recommendations ...

The more things change ...

It can be awkward for a chameleon ...

Chicken Little on Facebeak ... ha!! ...

It does make things easier ...

Social media for artists ...

And so ends our last Cartoon Saturday for the misbegotten month of November, 2021 ... may we never see its like again.

Have a good day and a great weekend. More thoughts tomorrow, when Poetry Sunday sees out the month on a reflective note.



  1. Don't knock the beautiful princess thing - that's how Wynne and I met!

  2. Who do I see about getting my medal for not tweeting?

  3. allenwoodhaven9:47 PM

    These are great! I'm happy to not be on any social media and thus more or less immune to its ill effects. I do see things that break into the mainstream and what my wife shows me. That's enough for me. To each their own...
