Friday, November 26, 2021

Great Moments in Editing and Signage

Thanksgiving is over and the holiday season is underway! Well, actually, it's been underway - at least at the local Costco - since around Labor Day, but whatever ... it's time for a new collection of editorial and signage gems ...

I guess it was the only place available ...


The onion may have been involved in the storming of the Capitol on January 6th ...

There are contests for all sorts of odd things ...

It's an odd offer, but if it works ...

I guess this is true of health care in general ...

I think I'll pass ...

I think I'll pass on this one, too ...

I guess it was a slow news day ...

The worker shortage must really be bad if they're hiring blueberries ...

And there we go for another week. Don't forget - if you see a good sign or a good blooper in print, take a photo or make a copy and e-mail it to ol' Bilbo. 

I hope you had a great Thanksgiving yesterday with family and friends. Enjoy the coming holiday season, but above all, be safe and look out for the welfare of those around you.

More thoughts tomorrow, when Cartoon Saturday returns with a look at social media.


1 comment:

  1. 4 years of a jumbo steamed dump was enough.
