Friday, September 29, 2023

Great Moments in Editing and Signage

It's the last edition of Great Moments for the month of September, so let's go out with a bang ...

Seems like it ought to be included, but that's just my opinion ...

If this were happening today, I doubt that local politicians would keep their hands off ... 

Your chances of being injured by an exploding duck are small, but never zero ...

Someone had a fun prom ...

The perfect pet for a kinky person ...

Because of course they would ...

I'm not sure I need any more details ...

This store is likely not located in a deep-red area ...

These budget cutbacks are really hitting home ...

The note that accompanied this picture where I found it read, "In Albuquerque, NM, Rainbow Road runs parallel to Universe Blvd" ... but it seems like an appropriate sign for the times in any case ...

And that closes out another month of Great Moments in Editing and Signage ... I hope you enjoyed it. Have a good day and come back tomorrow for the last Cartoon Saturday for the month - more thoughts then.



  1. It took a second to see the men's wear store sign.

  2. allenwoodhaven10:03 PM

    Stellar edition! The exploding duck tops them all. Looks like an old article but it's news to me. That's a story worth telling for years to come!

  3. That poor duck!! And I'd like one ticket for the rainbow, please. Sounds like a good trip.
