Wednesday, September 27, 2023

Who Needs to Fix Immigration?

Congressional Republicans are lambasting President Biden for the “immigration crisis," blaming him for not taking strong action to hermetically seal the southern border. In fairness (not a word commonly used to describe GOP behavior), one can note that Congressional Democrats have also lambasted past Republican presidents for inaction on immigration as well.

As Mercutio so eloquently put it in Act III, Scene 1, of “Romeo and Juliet,” - “A plague on both your houses.”

Members of Congress of both parties have only themselves to blame for the immigration problem. While one might expect the sitting president to encourage action and support certain measures, it is the Constitutional role and responsibility of Congress … not the president - to actually make laws. Once that's done, it's the president's job to see that they are carried out.

The problem is, of course, that there’s no political advantage to solving a problem you can use as a convenient stick with which to beat your opponents. The average American has not a clue about what roles the Constitution actually assigns to each branch of government; he or she knows only what noise emanates from Faux News or the like, or from their elected representatives who are afraid to take a politically sensitive position and thereby risk being “primaried” by someone crazier and less ethical than they are.

As far as I can tell, I’m the only person in or out of government who has actually proposed a viable* solution to the immigration problem. I won’t publish it again, in case you’re tired of reading it; if you are unfamiliar with my proposal, you can read it here. If you like it, go ahead and send a copy to your Senators and your Representative (assuming they can read and comprehend it).

In the meantime, quit accepting the useless dumbassery that the president - regardless of party - has to fix the problem. He or she doesn’t - Congress does. Make sure your guy/gal understands, and if they don’t, elect someone who does.

Have a good day. More thoughts coming.



1 comment:

  1. allenwoodhaven8:34 PM

    No comments? Here's one: I agree. Congress needs to do it's job!!
