Saturday, May 25, 2024

Cartoon Saturday

Boy, am I glad this month is nearly over ... 

In the latest display of self-serving political contortion, Nikki Haley has endorsed Der Furor (who she previously described as "unhinged and unstable") in the upcoming election; the European Union has denounced Russia's removal of 24 of 50 buoys marking sailing routes on its border with Estonia on the Narva River; in a 6-3 decision, the Supreme Court has effectively eliminated any chance that racially-based gerrymandering of Congressional districts can be controlled, arguing that courts must assume "good faith" rather than racial bias in the drawing of districts; the International Court of Justice has ruled that Israel must halt its military offensive in Rafah in southern Gaza*; and in - of course - Florida, a priest has been arrested after allegedly biting a woman who complained he "wouldn't give [her] the cookie" during communion. 

I really enjoy cooking, and I have a lot of cartoons about food, cooking, restaurants, and related topics. In spite of the fact that I spend a lot of time lately sick to my stomach over the news, I thought I'd go ahead and have a food-centric Cartoon Saturday this week. 

This is how we usually cook at home ...

I know people like this ... fortunately, they aren't people we dine with often ...

I have a lot of nifty kitchen gadgets, but a trebuchet is not one of them ...

I feel like this sometimes when a recipe turns out to be a lot more work than I thought ...

If you've ever tried cooking spinach, you can relate to this one. The one year that I planted spinach in my garden, the entire harvest wasn't enough for two servings once it cooked down ...

This is the logical outcome of people who insist on imposing their religious beliefs on the rest of us ...

I really liked this one ...

Agnes makes a bunch of wonderful lentil dishes. Fortunately, she's gotten the measurements down over the years ...

This isn't really a cartoon, but I loved the caption that came with it: "Pesto Bismol" ...

I think I'll have a different cocktail this time ...

Have a good day and a great holiday weekend, and come back tomorrow for Poetry Sunday's salute to the humble letter. More thoughts then.


* Yeah, I'm sure they'll stop right away.

1 comment:

  1. allenwoodhaven6:55 PM

    Great collection! The food court knight made me laugh. Have to save it.
