Friday, May 24, 2024

Great Moments in Editing and Signage

Here we go with our last collection of Great Moments for the month of May ...

A one-dollar charge for nothing?? The more ice they can put in your drink, the less drink they have to give you; it makes economic sense, if you're the one selling the drinks ...

The word "honest" seems out of place in an ad placed by an attorney ...

I'd have to know what the exchange rate is before I decide ...

Buglers are bad, but accordion and banjo players would be worse ...

The GPS has located Empty G ...

I'm shocked ... SHOCKED, I tell you! ...

So, do you pay yourself to valet park your own car? ...

I can't think of anything I can say that won't get me in trouble, so I'll just leave this one here ...

There's a silver lining in that dark cloud ...

It must be an attempt to find alternative employment for fallen ladies ...

Have a good day, and just go with "light ice" in your drink. More thoughts tomorrow, when we celebrate the final Cartoon Saturday of the month ... see you then.



  1. allenwoodhaven9:39 PM

    These are always fun. Especially like the personal ad. Thanks!

  2. Better 3.99 for a pound instead of 700.
