Saturday, June 15, 2024

Cartoon Saturday

It's been a long week, and we surely do need an infusion of cartoons to help get over it ... 

President Biden's son Hunter was convicted by a Delaware jury on weapons possession charges ... as expected, Republicans found a way to claim the conviction as proof of the President's abuse of power; Attorney General Merrick Garland was charged (in a party-line vote) with contempt of Congress for refusing to respond to a Congressional subpoena ... unlike Congressman Jim Jordan, who has ignored a Congressional subpoena related to his involvement in the 2021 insurrection for 760 days; the Supreme Court unanimously rejected an attempt by antiabortion activists to prevent the prescription and sale of the abortifacient drug mifepristone*; New York police arrested a man in Queens after recovering a 9mm Glock handgun, nine loaded magazines, heavy body armor, handcuffs, NYPD uniform items, two axes, several knives, a stun gun, a weighted whip and an expandable baton from his vehicle; and in Salt Lake City, police are searching for a $234,000 Lamborghini stolen from the city airport after its owner left it in a short-term parking lot, unlocked, and with the keys still in the ignition. 

This week, since the GOP is evidently planning to replace our current form of government with an absolute monarchy, I thought a collection of cartoons about kings, queens, and the pleasures of royalty (at least for the royals) might be appropriate ... 

It's good to be the king, especially because you get to sit in that neat chair. First up, a few cartoons about thrones ...

He must have bought this one from La-Z-Monarch ...

It's never good to overlook things like that ...

The royal picnic can't have just any folding chair ...

It may be ergonomic, but it's not the same thing as the traditional model ...

Moving on from the throne room ...

He may be a while ...

Those pesky homeowners' association rules ...

Remote working works for royalty, too ...

Divide and conquer has a long and storied history ...

It may not be what the realm needs, but if the king wants it ...

Hear ye, hear ye ... the cartoons for this week are hereby completed, and thou are commanded to have a good day and a great weekend. More thoughts shall be forthcoming when the royal musicians arrive on the morrow to celebrate Musical Sunday.


* Although they sidestepped the real issue by ruling only that the organizations bringing the suit lacked standing to do so. The issue will keep coming back like a radically religious hydra.

1 comment:

  1. allenwoodhaven10:05 PM

    Terrific, from first to last! Especially liked the first. Thanks!
