Sunday, June 16, 2024

Musical Sunday

Today is Fathers' Day, and it's only appropriate that we honor our fathers with Dan Fogelberg's salute that never fails to bring tears to my eyes ... 

Not all fathers are as good as the one I was lucky enough to have ... he left us nine years ago and I miss him every day. If you have a good father, today would be a good day to let him know you love him, before it's too late.

Have a good day and enjoy the rest of your weekend. More thoughts coming.



  1. It's been 24 years for me.

  2. allenwoodhaven3:31 PM

    It's been 32 years for me. I think of him often and believe he's still around, albeit not as I'd prefer. He made the world a better place. That's what good fathers do, make the future better!
