Saturday, June 22, 2024

Cartoon Saturday

Who dreams up these weeks, anyhow? ... 

A new law in Louisiana requires all public schools to display the Ten Commandments "in large, easily readable font” in all public schools, accompanied by a four-paragraph “context statement” describing how the Ten Commandments “were a prominent part of American public education for almost three centuries*;” Russian President Vladimir Putin paid a state visit to fellow despot Kim Jong-un in North Korea in his ongoing search for credible allies for his increasingly-despised nation; baseball legend Willy Mays, the "Say Hey Kid," died at age 93; President Biden, responding to GOP demands that he use executive action to solve the border crisis rather than expecting Congress to do its job, issued an executive order ... to which, of course, GOP members of Congress promptly objected; and in Southington, Connecticut, an employee of the Lock N Loaded Firearms shop accidentally shot himself while handling a gun he thought was unloaded ... because why should firearms safety get in the way of the joy of unregulated gun ownership and use? 

This week, we turn to the world of children's stories and visit the Old Woman Who Lived in a Shoe ... 

Real estate agents are good at obfuscatory language ...

I often wondered about that ...

It's important to have your place properly insulated ...

Your priorities for home style change as you get older ...

I remember it used to be fun to do that ...

I'd invest it differently, but to each his/her own ...

It's probably a copy of Project 2025 ...

Yes, that might have been a good sign ...

With housing prices being what they are, it definitely is annoying ...

As I get older, the flats look better and better ...

And that's it for this week's Cartoon Saturday - I hope it's not the ... uh ... sole source of humor for your day. I'd hate to feel like a heel.

Have a good day and a great weekend, in spite of the blazing heat. See you tomorrow for Poetry Sunday, when we'll think about shadows ... more thoughts then. 


* So were slavery and racism, but we're all over that, right?


  1. allenwoodhaven10:04 PM

    Fun collection! The home insulation truck made me laugh. I should have thought of that before!

  2. We bought a flat 47 years ago.
