Friday, June 21, 2024

Great Moments in Editing and Signage

Ready ... set ... GO!! 

I think Der Furor's plans for the economy may have an ulterior motive ...

I'm not sure who came up with this ad, but they should ask for their money back ...

Well, what can it be, then? ...

I think Bill may need more than a correction notice ...

If this sign isn't at a bordello, a great advertising opportunity has been missed ...

No other comment needed ...

That sign obviously needs to be recalibrated ...

Well, Karen, I guess this sums it up ...

In case Amazon isn't hiring extra package delivery contractors ...

My gawd, they're lucky no one starved to death while trapped in their cars!! ...

I hope this collection of editorial and signage gems helped you get over the stress of the week. Don't forget that your contributions of weird signs and editorial burps are welcome ... take a picture of signs, scan print items, or do an oil painting and send it to Ol' Bilbo!

Have a good day, and come back tomorrow for Cartoon Saturday for more thoughts. See you then. 



  1. allenwoodhaven9:44 PM

    These are fun; thanks!

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