Sunday, July 28, 2024

Musical Sunday

As we contemplate the increasing power of a truly weaponized government in the event of Der Furor's return to the White House, I was reminded of this great song by German singer Juliane Werding. Titled "Die unsichtbare Macht" ("The Invisible Power"), it's a fitting song for people already paranoid about government surveillance. The original German lyrics and an English translation follow ...

Here are the lyrics in German, with the English translation following each verse in italics:

Wer ist der Schatten, der neben mir geht?
Wer ist der Fremde, der hinter mir steht?
Mir scheint lang schon: Ich werde überwacht
Wer ruft mich an und legt gleich wieder auf?
Wer zählt mein Geld nach und weiß, was ich kauf?
Oh, ich spür sie - die unsichtbare Macht

Who's the shadow that's walking beside me?
Who's the stranger that's standing behind me?
I've sensed for a while that I'm being watched
Who calls me up, and immediately hangs up?
Who counts my change and knows what I've bought?
Oh, I sense it - the invisible power

Ich fühl, da ist doch wer
In meinem Zimmer
Etwas bedroht mich hier
Es ist nicht mehr so wie immer

I feel like there's someone
In my room
Something is threatening me here
It's not like it usually is

Wer liest die Briefe, die mir niemand schreibt?
Wer will, dass mir kein Geheimnis mehr bleibt?
Wer denunziert mich und bringt mich in Verdacht?
Wer registriert jeden Schritt den ich tu?
Wer hört sogar den Gedanken noch zu?
Keine Frage - die unsichtbare Macht

Who reads the letters that no one writes to me?
Who wants me to have no secrets?
Who's denouncing me and accusing me?
Who's recording every step I take?
Who's listening to my every thought?
No question - the invisible power

Ich mach das Fernsehen an
Und mir will scheinen
Ich seh dort das Programm
Von meinen eigenen Träumen

I turn on the television
And it seems to me
That the program I'm seeing
Is my own dreams

Wird meine Zeitung vielleicht schon zensiert?
Wird jeder Freund, der mich trifft, kontrolliert?
Sind meine Daten gespeichert?
Bin ich programmiert?

Is my newspaper already being censored?
Is every friend I meet being controlled?
Is my data stored?
Have I been programmed?

Wer ist der Schatten, der neben mir geht?
Wer ist der Fremde, der hinter mir steht?
Mir scheint lang schon: Ich werde überwacht
Wer ruft mich an und legt gleich wieder auf?
Wer zählt mein Geld nach und weiß was ich kauf?
Oh, ich spür sie - die unsichtbare Macht

Who's the shadow that's walking beside me?
Who's the stranger that's standing behind me?
I've sensed for a while that I'm being watched
Who calls me up, and immediately hangs up?
Who counts my change and knows what I've bought?
Oh, I sense it - the invisible power

I'm sure all this is covered somewhere in Project 2025.

Have a good day and enjoy the rest of your weekend. Study the parties and vote carefully in November.

More thoughts coming.



  1. Good song, great points.

    I listened to the song and followed along with the German lyrics. It was all in sync. Then I tried to follow the English lyrics. The song wouldn't work. Makes you wonder how some songs get translated into other languages.

  2. Mike - it is a great song. I didn't try to make the English translation fit the rhythm and meter of the song, although I suppose it could be done. Translation is both art and science.
