Friday, July 26, 2024

The Left-Cheek Ass Clown for July, 2024

We are closing in on the end of the month of July, and a crazy month it's been, even for 2024. It's Friday, and according to my blogging schedule, it's time to announce yet another Ass Clown awardee - the 19th of the year. As always, selection is complicated by the number of potential awardees clamoring for attention, but you're counting on me to make the hard choices, and so I have.

Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Readers, with the usual flatulent blare of trumpets and kazoos, I hereby announce my selection of

The Left-Cheek Ass Clown for July, 2024

and the tinfoil and toilet paper crown goes to

Representative Andy Ogles (R, TN-5)

In a House of Representatives full of grandstanding gasbags more interested in flame-throwing than legislating, Representative Ogles stood out this week for introducing yet another article of impeachment against Vice President Kamala Harris. His voice thundering with faux outrage, Mr Ogles accused the Vice President of “knowingly mis(leading) the people of the United States and the Congress of the United States, principally to obfuscate the physical and cognitive well-being of the President of the United States, Joe Biden.”  Of course, he made no mention of the obvious denial of the obvious physical and cognitive decline of Der Furor by every elected Republican, but then consistency is a trait long absent from the GOP.

Anxious to further tar the image of the vice-president, Mr Ogles angrily tweeted that, “(the) Radical left-wing media is desperately trying to reinvent Kamala Harris, erasing any mention of her utter incompetence at the border,”  going on to call her the “border czar,” although her portfolio was only for diplomatic efforts to reduce migration, and not all aspects of border security.

And illustrating the GOP nightmare of three new, potential reliably Democratic seats in Congress, Mr Ogles introduced an amendment to the federal budget to prohibit the use of federal funds to advance the pospect of statehood for the District.

Representative Ogles has earned a lifetime score of 100% from the conservative Heritage Foundation, the mission of which is to “fight for conservative policies in Washington, D.C. and in state capitals across the country.” 

Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Readers, I disdainfully name Tennessee Representative Andy Ogles as the Left-Cheek Ass Clown for July, 2024. It’s hard for a single individual to rise to the top of bubbling cesspool that is the GOP membership of the House of Representatives, but Mr Ogles has done so - at least long enough to gain this recognition.

Have a good day. More thoughts tomorrow, when Cartoon Saturday takes a quasi-devout look at religion. See you then.



  1. I hope the next time I hear about Andy Ogles it's because he lost his seat in congress.

  2. allenwoodhaven9:27 PM

    Too well deserved!
