Saturday, August 31, 2024

Cartoon Saturday

We're on vacation away from wi-fi connections, so there's no news summary for this week. But you need your cartoon fix, and since it can be programmed in advance, you don't need to worry about losing anything. This week, with the election a mere 66 days away, I thought a collection of cartoons about elections would be appropriate ...

This is an increasingly important consideration ...

I wish one were available ...

We're gonna need bigger mirrors, and more of them ...

It's a strong bench ...

They'll find you no matter how you try to hide ...

Machine translation isn't always accurate, but this one's right on the ... money ...

You don't even have to work that hard as long as you've got good super PACs behind you ...

That's just about how the post-Citizens United system works ...

Only the best people ...

A good doctor looks at all the factors contributing to your malaise ...

And that's it for today's election-focused cartoon collection ... I hope you enjoyed it. If you haven't checked your voting registration status lately, I suggest you do it immediately ... with all the proudly-acknowledged chicanery about cleaning up the voter rolls, you don't want to be nefariously dropped before you get to vote.

Have a good day and a great weekend. More thoughts tomorrow, when Poetry Sunday returns.



  1. A great line-up. I wish I could vote in the USA election. I'm trying to do my bit by crossing all my fingers and toes.

  2. Bizzaro nailed it and that toon was from 2019.

  3. allenwoodhaven12:33 AM

    Good ones! Thanks!
