Friday, August 30, 2024

Great Moments in Editing and Signage

Hey, kids - what time is it? No, it's not Howdy Doody Time, it's time for more great moments in editing and signage ... didn't you read the title of the post?

The adult spouse of a minor ... hmmm ...

I suppose the bone-in neck bone is more expensive ...

Wait, what?? ...

Um ... I'll let Hannibal Lecter know ...

Hmmm ... which restaurant should we choose? ...

Is that higher or lower than 8'-2"? ...

Slow news day ...

"Tinkletorium" ... this should have been at a kindergarten ...

Proofreading is always a good time investment ...

Well, that's a relief! ...

Have a good day and be sure to come back tomorrow for Cartoon Saturday! More thoughts then.



  1. 7 feet 14 inches would make you stop and think, right?

  2. Unsure whether these are extra-good this week or if I'm just giddy. Either way, thanks for the laughs!

  3. allenwoodhaven11:14 PM

    A real pleasure, as usual. Many thanks!
