Friday, August 16, 2024

Great Moments in Editing and Signage

Ah, yes ... it's that time again, time for more great moments in editing and signage! And awaaaay we go!

A good deal for the man with three feet ...

I predict a rocky future for this marriage ...

I guess it's important to keep the mold up to date ...

Chemical weapons raise the IQ of sheep? Perhaps Der Furor should schedule some rallies near the storage sites ...

It's not the diet I'd have recommended for teenagers, but I guess that nutritional guidelines can change over time ...

I've been going to the wrong barber shop ...

I could use the jacket, but what would I do with three tons of pig starting products? And what are they, anyhow?

I hear they're looking for a proofreader ...

The child (12 and under) is a good choice ... 13 and over tend to be tough ...

I wonder if they have a couch available ...

That's it! Have a good day, and come back tomorrow for Cartoon Saturday. See you then with more thoughts.



  1. allenwoodhaven9:56 AM

    Fun! Don’t you wonder if there are any editors anywhere anymore?

  2. Thanks for the smiles once again :)
