Sunday, August 11, 2024

Musical Sunday

As we trudge dejectedly into the most intense part of the election season, the thing that's most important to every candidate is not foreign or domestic policy and the interests of the American people ... it's money. As we all know, an American presidential campaign (not to mention a key Senate or House campaign) can cost north of a billion dollars that could have been spent on roads, bridges, hospitals, education, and other important stuff ... instead, it's spent on attack ads largely dedicated to telling us not how good one candidate is, but how horrifyingly awful the other one is. It all costs a lot of money, and the parties are always asking you to contribute a ... fistful of dollars ... 

That was Sara Hicks conducting The Danish National Symphony Orchestra, accompanied by Tuva Semmingsen whistling the theme from Clint Eastwood's classic Spaghetti Western "A Fistful of Dollars." Appropriately enough for the GOP's campaign style, the chorus does a spectacular job of chanting "we can fight," and the hanging figure is a nice tribute to Mike Pence.

Have a good day and enjoy the rest of your weekend. More thoughts coming.



  1. I've sent in my fist full.

  2. Feels like dejected is changing into upbeat!
