Saturday, February 28, 2009

Cartoon Saturday

A topless coffee shop has made a big hit in Maine; Mexican drug wars are spilling over the border to threaten American border towns; the economy had contracted at the fastest rate in a quarter-century at the end of last year; the Vice President has convened a task force on the Middle Class (that will certainly make things better); and Chinese police shot a Tibetan monk who set himself on fire after local authorities had forbidden a group of monks to observe a traditional prayer festival.

Thank goodness for Cartoon Saturday!

Nothing like being able to look at the bright side of things...

You can tell things are getting bad with the economy when even the big law firms are letting people go. I wonder if they wrote their own contracts...

Rodney Dangerfield used to complain that when he called the suicide prevention hotline, they put him on hold. I wonder if that happens here...

I'm always worried about using some of those powerful drain cleaners for fear that they might wreck my plumbing. I'm ready to try the green, eco-friendly approach...

Everyone needs some help in the kitchen from time to time...

And finally, a clever take on the old cowboy song "Home on the Range" ...

The next few days here in Virginia look like they'll be pretty yucky, weather-wise. Hope they're better where you are. Looks like a good time to sit in front of the fire and read or watch some of those DVDs.

Have a good day. More thoughts tomorrow.



Amanda said...

Ha Ha! *, *, * & *

I'm surprised that I can actually claim that the weather has been pretty decent over here in Palembang. The mornings are cool and breezy, afternoons a little humid (but bearable) and it has been raining at night (perfect for sleeping).

John A Hill said...

Somehow sitting in my chair with my laptop and a cup of coffee doesn't seem quite as enjoyable this morning. At least I don't have to leave anybody a tip. (My luck that I'd get a male waiter!)

wv: flozy..a floozy wannabe.

Mike said...

OK I'm back. I clicked on the first link. That was about 20 minutes ago. When I finally got done link hopping I had forgotten what started it all and closed the window. And here was this comment box staring at me. OH, Bilbo's blog. That's where this all started. And we're going to find out if the comment box works after the browser is closed.

wv - coundle - A group of counties.

The Mistress of the Dark said...

Cartoon Saturdays are something I look forward to all week :)

fiona said...


wv- odskies - sunshine in winter

Anonymous said...

My mom and older sister are taking their annual trip to Mexico to visit family. My other sisters are up in arms because why-would-they-go-to-Mexico-when-these-drug-wars-are-going on... well HELLO people those drug wars have been going on for decades. It's just finally making news because it's spilling into the USA.

Besides, they are going deep into Mexico like Guadalajara, Colima, and Mexico City. The damage is happening in the border states so they should be ok.

Also, the only people the drug lords kidnap (also happening for decades but still hasn't made headlines in the USA) are people with money and power, for ransoms... we're poor so they should be safe.