Monday, May 02, 2011

The Death of Osama bin Laden

Good riddance, ass clown. Enjoy hell.

That was a particularly un-Christian and uncivil comment, but it comes from the heart. Justice has finally caught up to this evil bastard, proudly responsible for the cold-blooded murder of nearly 3,000 people on 9/11 (nearly including yours truly, who had the good fortune to work on the opposite side of the Pentagon from where American Airlines flight 77 slammed into the building).

It would be nice to think that eliminating this vile cockroach will stop terrorism, but it won't. There are plenty of people out there who think bin Laden is a hero and a "good Muslim," and they'll mourn his demise rather than celebrating it. Some of those will certainly believe that his death needs to be avenged, and will try to kill more innocent people in honor of their idol. And, of course, bin Laden's deputy, that foul snake Ayman al Zawahiri, is still out there.

But, one hopes, not for long.

In his classic poem, John Donne wrote,

"Any man's death diminishes me because I am involved in mankind,
Therefore, never send to know for whom the bell tolls,
It tolls for thee."

I suppose I should feel "diminished," but on this Monday in May, almost ten years after 9/11, I just feel glad. The bells aren't tolling, but ringing in celebration.

Have a good day. More thoughts tomorrow.



Anonymous said...

He and his followers live in caves and engage in sexual relations with animals. Or so I've been told. The trouble with these religious extremists (of any religion) is that it only takes a few of them to create havoc.

Anonymous said...

Dude, you get up earlier than I do!

Check your Yahoo mailbox. If you don't see a note from "Nascent Engineer" look in your junk mail folder. I sent you an old Lysol ad you might find amusing.

Amanda said...

I guess its a sense of justice and closure to know that he's dead but like you said, its also sad to know that terrorism will continue on and even go through some sort of surge because of his death.....

Lynn Radford said...

Bill, your reaction is not unlike that of any other American on this day. I heard a Muslim reporter/political analyst say that our celebrations will only be seen as excessive by the radicals, who now rank in the minority rather than the majority due to recent changes in the political clime in the Middle East. America should stand proud today... America, the home of the free because of the brave!!!

KathyA said...

Our daughter called us at 10:45 to tell us -- as we were already in bed. Thought of emailing you knowing that the atmosphere in your work place today would be very much affected.
The world just feels like a better place this morning. Blessings, K.

Mike said...

Ding dong the witch is dead.

Anonymous said...

Oh...oh... please... may I have the ruby slippers!?!?

Duckbutt said...

OBL -- Adios, M.F. Rot in hell.

KathyA said...

In this case, dear friend, I think we were all more diminished by his living...

PS I'm so glad you were on the other side of the building.