Saturday, May 18, 2024

Cartoon Saturday

I object!! Oh ... wait ... life has overruled me. 

An upside-down U.S. flag, a recognized symbol of distress adopted by Trump supporters contesting the Biden victory, flew over the home of Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito while the Supreme Court was considering a case relating to the 2020 election ... and Alito blamed it on his wife; a meeting of the House Oversight Committee, already a laughingstock over its fumblingly inept and evidence-free attempts to impeach President Biden, devolved into a noisy exchange of childish taunts after Georgia Representative Empty G suggested that Florida Representative Jasmine Crockett didn't understand the purpose of the hearing because "... your fake eyelashes are messing up what you’re reading;” President Biden and Der Furor have agreed to two pre-election debates, although Der Furor's quibbling over the rules began almost immediately; a controversial new portrait of King Charles III of Great Britain was unveiled this week; and in Tampa, Florida, an upscale restaurant was discovered decorating its very expensive plates with "mildly toxic" ferns harvested from a plot behind the restaurant often used by dog walkers to relieve their pets

This week, in "honor" of the armies of lawyers who daily torture justice until it meets the requirements of their wealthy clients, a collection of cartoons about the legal profession. 

There must be something in the laws of war that prohibits such barbarity ...

If Der Furor ever finally faces justice on all the felonies he's been charged with, we'll really have to scrape the bottom of the potential juror barrel ...


Why not? They get paid either way ...

It's pretty accurate ...

When you date lawyers ...

I'm not sure I'd have gone with this defense, as most lawyers don't tend to be good sports ...

He got the wrong lawyer to review his business plan ...

Behind the scenes in New York ...

I think he'll be pretty lonely if he gets in ...

Have a legally sound and fiscally sufficient weekend, and come back tomorrow for a Musical Sunday salute to the watchers no one's watching. More thoughts then.



Mike said...

Trusts cost more. Lots more.

allenwoodhaven said...

Lawyers. Can't live, sometimes, without them and don't want to live with them most times.