President Musk, Der Furor, and their hand-picked stooges are fond of trumpeting that their agenda puts "America First." This ignores the fact that the slogan "America First" has a sketchy history in this country, being tied to the eponymous isolationist and pro-German movement of the 1930’s, culminating in the infamous pro-Nazi rally at Madison Square Garden on February 20, 1939 ...
Understandably, today's hyperconservatives have a different take on the earlier America First movement, focusing more on its domestic agenda and less on its pro-fascist history.
Let's be honest, though.
National leaders have a responsibility to put the interests of their nation first. You don't get to be president of your country by telling the voters you care more about the interests of a different country.
But in a world divided into 195 independent, self-governing nations - 193 UN member states, plus two non-member observer states (the Holy See and the State of Palestine) - it seems unlikely that peace could prevail if every one of those 195 nations ruthlessly pursued its interests without acknowledging the legitimate interests of anyone else. The general goal of international diplomacy since the end of World War II has been to achieve "win-win" outcomes of disputes whenever possible. Naturally, such outcomes don't always work (see Nazi Germany, Imperial Japan, and the Former Soviet Union), but they're the desired goal.
Unless, of course, you have a completely transactional autocratic ruler like Der Furor, for whom a "win-win" outcome is considered a loss ... for the Orange Airhorn, it's not enough just to win - you have to win so decisively that your opponent is humiliated and your power is not just acknowledged, but feared.
This is why Der Furor has insulted and cast aside our longest and most faithful allies - the very thought that we might someday need the help of someone else, or that the United States might have to use some of its awesome power to help a less fortunate nation is an abomination to the ultimate transactional ruler. And lest any other nation think that they should stand up to the mighty United States, Defense Secretary Pete Hegseth misses no opportunity to remind everyone that he's fielding the mightiest, most lethal, most "badass*" force in history.
We have gone, in the span of just over a month, from "America First" - the nation that the rest of the world looked up to, respected, and admired as a trustworthy, generous guarantor of peace and stability - to "America Worst" - a noisy, ugly bully that turns its back on its friends and gleefully kisses Vladimir Putin's backside.
Have a good day. Don't support either "America First" or "America Worst" - support "America at its Best."
More thoughts coming.
* This is a rather crude descriptor, but one suited to the imperial posturing of his boss ... who, himself, never bothered to serve in a military he viewed as filled with "suckers and losers."
How can sucker an loser Hegseth be a badass?
Right again. I keep hoping that six months from now (or sooner) we - the world - will be in a better place. And keep worrying that it will be even worse. It feels like we are on teetering on a cliff.
And here we are, 24 hours later, and I think we just fell off that cliff. At the very least, the cliff is crumbling away beneath our feet. And by "our" I mean the world.
In other words, not America First but Be Best...
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