Saturday, June 29, 2013

Cartoon Saturday

So long, June, don't let the door hit you in the butt on your way out ...

A blistering heat wave continues to hold much of the West in its grip, with temperatures of 128 degrees (Fahrenheit) expected today in the aptly named town of Furnace Creek in Death Valley; celebrity chef Paula Deen continues to be excoriated over her admission of once using a "racial epiphet;" one-time NFL star Aaron Hernandez has been arrested for murder, and one of the key items of evidence against him is bubble gum; the Supreme Court wrapped up its term with controversial decisions striking down the Defense of Marriage Act and invalidating key provisions of the Voting Rights Act; and a date* has been announced for release of the film version of the schlock mommy porn novel 50 Shades of Grey.

The news isn't going to get any better ... fortunately, funny people keep drawing great cartoons to help you cope.

I just liked the ... uh ... sound of this one ...

The famous Swiss Army Knife provides us with our set of theme cartoons for this week ... there's the French Army version ...

And the Swiss Navy version ...

The Swiss Army is also reported to have other multipurpose equipment ...

Other armies have knives, too ...

And lastly ...

Sometimes, the g-string just isn't right for everyone ...

During my military career, I went through a lot of moves. I think we had this company move us more than once ...

Oh, I could tell you some stories about how funny this one isn't ...

Finally, don't you wish that Congress had a record this enviable?

And with that, we say good bye, sayonara, auf Wiedersehen, do svidaniya, and good riddance to June. I don't know that July will bring much better news, but at least it has a holiday in it.

Have a good day and a great weekend. More thoughts tomorrow.


* August 1, 2014.


eViL pOp TaRt said...

It must be a superb philosophy department.

A paperless office is great as long as they have hard copies for the file.

G-tugboat rope could catch on in some localities.

Love the cartoons!

Duckbutt said...

That comes from softwear engineers moonlighting as movers!

Mike said...

I think there is also the g-chain for the naughty mob girlfriend.

Insane Penguin said...

I like the French Army Knife. Obviously, they don't use screw top bottles there.