Mr Will suggests in his article that the proliferation of behaviors that are characterized as mental disorders reflect deviations from a perceived normality, and that this characterization could be dangerous in the long run. He writes, "...childhood eccentricities, sometimes inextricable from creativity, might be labeled 'disorders' to be 'cured.' If 7-year-old Mozart tried composing his concertos today, he might be diagnosed with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder and medicated into barren normality."
So, what's normal, what's eccentric, and what's a dangerous psychiatric disorder that requires treatment? I think of myself as more or less normal, although I'm realistic enough to recognize that I'm also a bit eccentric. But where do we as a society draw the line between harmless eccentricities and conditions that require treatment?
As an alpha geek in grade school and high school, I met my share of bullies who might have been normal, or who might have been serial killers in training. A psychiatrist might refer to the DSM to help him (or her) tell the difference. But would he or she judge these individuals as patients to be cured or as potential criminals to be judged? As Mr Will writes, "Today's theraputic ethos, which celebrates curing and disparages judging, expresses the liberal disposition to assume that crime and other problematic behaviors reflect social or biological causation. While this absolves the individual of responsibility, it also strips the individual of personhood and moral dignity."
Is Bilbo lazy or does he suffer from laziness syndrome?
Is it right to replace judgment of bad behavior with curing of a perceived disorder?
I wish I knew. Then I could make lots of money by writing a book and selling it to psychiatrists...who could then include it in an upcoming edition of the DSM.
In the meantime, I still think there's a place in this world for punching out bullies.
Have a good day. More thoughts tomorrow.