If you didn't need Cartoon Saturday before, you surely need it now.
Hardly a day goes by that there's not a news story about some vile, greedy eejit (thanks, Fiona!) who has figured out a new way to steal from you using a computer. It's nice when they get their just desserts ...

Jersey Girl Wanderlust tagged me for a meme this past Thursday. Those of you who have been reading my rantings for very long know that I usually don't like to do memes because I have enough things to write about on my own, and because they help make blogging a worse time sink than it already is. But since Wanderlust is new to my little online family, and because her meme is short, simple, and involves books, I'll go ahead and take it on.
Here are the rules for her meme:
* Grab the nearest book.
* Open the book to page 56.
* Find the FIFTH sentence.
* Post the text of the next two to five sentences in your blog along with these instructions.
* Don't dig for your favorite book, the cool book, or the intellectual one; pick the CLOSEST.
* Tag five other people to do the same (I'm going to pass on this part of it...just as I don't usually do memes, I don't usually tag others...if it appeals to you, go ahead...just let Wanderlust know that you've done it so she can see what you've done).
Okay. The nearest book is the one I'm reading during my morning and afternoon commutes - American Lion: Andrew Jackson in the White House, by Jon Meacham. Starting with the fifth sentence on page 56, we have:
"In Kentucky and elsewhere, Jackson fretted about what were drily known as internal improvements - projected roads and canals that were to be funded by the Federal government. The issue was at the heart of a philosophical argument. Was Washington's role to be a limited one, leaving such matters to the states except in truly national cases, or was the federal government to be a catalyst in what was known as "the American System," in which tariffs and the sales of public lands funded federally sponsored internal improvements? As president, Jackson favored the former, John Quincy Adams and Henry Clay the latter."
Sounds rather like some of the arguments that still rage today, doesn't it? Anyone else want to take a stab at Wanderlust's meme ... have at it. Wanderlust, back over to you!
Tomorrow, I'll take up the meme Fiona tagged me with yesterday. It looks like this will be my week for exceptions to policy...but then, it's Fiona, and she's a dear, and I'm afraid she might call me a "wee eejit" if I don't do it.
Have a good day. More thoughts tomorrow.