Tuesday, November 03, 2015

The 30-Day Writing Challenge: Does Your Zodiac Sign Fit You?

Today marks the fifth of my posts based on the 30-Day Writing Challenge, in which I tackle the issue of whether I think my sign of the zodiac fits me.

I think the whole subject of zodiac signs and horoscopes is interesting, not that I put much faith in it. It seems to me that most horoscopes are cleverly written so that almost anything that happens can be interpreted to have been foretold, or to be a personal trait of the reader.

I went to a website that discusses the various signs of the zodiac - Zodiac Signs Astrology.com - and checked out what it had to say about Scorpios, since I was born under that sign* ...

According to this website (which is pretty much in line with what all other astrology websites have to say), Scorpios are loyal, passionate, resourceful, observant, and dynamic. On the other side, we're said to be jealous, obsessive, suspicious, manipulative, and unyielding.

Hmmm ...

Loyal and passionate, I can pretty much agree with. Obsessive and suspicious, maybe a little. Here are a few quotes from the analysis in the website:

"Scorpios have an excellent memory and combined with an inability to let things go, they can hold a grudge against someone who did them harm forever, in fact a Scorpio rarely if never forgives and forgets. They will even go as far as get vengeance on the person."  Well, as it happens, my memory is such that I always carry around a small notebook or a few blank index cards so that I can write things down, because I tend to be pretty forgetful. I do, however, hold powerful grudges ... in fact, Agnes has often gently counseled me to ease up on the antipathy I hold for a particular individual, but I'm finding it nearly impossible to do so.

"Scorpios have a very penetrative mind, do not be surprised if they ask questions, they are trying to delve deeper and figure things out and survey the situation. They always want to know why, where and any other possible detail they can possibly know." That's pretty accurate ... I tend to be very skeptical and not to take things at face value without a lot of questioning and study. This is why I tend to enrage door-to-door political flacks who can't answer simple questions about their candidate's positions on issues with anything more than bumper stickers or screeds about how terrible the other guy is.

"Scorpios are very weary (sic) about trusting anyone, a person needs to gain their trust and this gets built up over time and once all the 'trust tests' have been passed, Scorpio loves deeply and intensely." This one's on the money, but I think it's true of a lot of people other than Scorpios as well.

"Scorpios are all about control, they need to be in control at all times. To be out of control is very threatening, even dangerous to the Scorpio's psyche, when they control, they feel safe." Not so much. I don't like to have the sense that I'm at the whim of powers beyond my control, but on the other hand, it's not in me to be a control freak.

Here's the best part ...

"Sex with a Scorpio: Sex with Scorpio is a total emotional and physical experience with passion and intensity. They have amazing stamina and can last all night long, round after round. Scorpio is the zodiac sign that is the most likely to act out a sexual fantasy. Most people will talk about it but the Scorpio will do it, they will fully throw themselves into the role. Do not suggest a fantasy to a Scorpio unless you plan to do it! Most Scorpios are direct and forceful and they seem to be an expert at what they do. They continue to seduce you even as the act continues. A thrilling experience not for the faint of heart!" Ummm ... you'll have to ask Agnes about this one. All I can tell you is that she's one of the rare women willing to put up with my ... quirks. Which leads me to the last zodiac issue - compatibility with other signs ...

The perfect sign for companionship with a Scorpio is said to be a Taurus ... and considering that Agnes is a Taurus and we've been together for more than 30 years, I'd say there just might be something to that.

So ...

Does my zodiac sign fit me? Like most people, I'd say "yes and no." There are elements of the "Scorpio Character" that fit me quite well, and others that don't. The only thing I can tell you for sure is that if you're an attractive lady, I'll never try to break the ice with you by asking about your sign, unless the sign you're holding says something like "Free Hugs" or "Have a Gin and Tonic on Me!"

Have a good day, regardless of your sign.

More thoughts tomorrow.


* Actually, the sign I was born under was "Bellevue Suburban Hospital Maternity," but just work with me on this, okay.


John A Hill said...

The Scorpion is one of the great summer constellations and can still be seen in the western sky as the sun sets. Looking towards the tail of the scorpion faces you directly towards the center of our galaxy and you can follow the Milky Way back overhead.
(Just a little astronomy to go with your astrology.)

eViL pOp TaRt said...

I'm a Libra; and I guess the description of a Libra fits me: graceful, diplomatic, peaceful, hospitable, etc. And I guess I'm vain; but in a graceful way. The thumbnail descriptions have a balance of positive and not-so-positive traits that can be read into most people.

Kristen Drittsekkdatter said...

My Zodiac sign fits we very well.

Mike said...

When I got to the asterisk in your post I had already thought of a comment to make. Then I read the asterisk which which was spot on to what I was thinking of. So go back and read your asterisk and think of it as being here.

Margaret (Peggy or Peg too) said...

Mine fits me very well.

The Mistress of the Dark said...

every time I've read something about cancers, I've found them to be spot on with me.

Ps...where did you find your 30 day challenge?

Bilbo said...

Andrea, I got my version of the 30-day challenge from John Hill ... I know there are several different versions going around, and there are parts I like of each of them.

Elvis Wearing a Bra on His Head said...

Mine (Taurus) fits me well.