Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Guest Post

Oh, it's you again. Hello.

It's me, Lucy, Bilbo's grandcat.

I haven't written anything here for a while (I've got a lot of napping and supervising to do), but I noticed that last week Clara, Bilbo's granddog, managed to sneak in a guest post while I wasn't looking. Now, Clara's okay for a dog, but she's not the crunchiest biscuit in the package, if you know what I mean. While I have to grudgingly admit that I agree with everything she said, I don't think it's worth my effort to say anything new, since you haven't listened to anything I've said before ... therefore, I'm just going to repeat what I told you in this space two years ago (I will, though, in deference to Bilbo, use a euphemism I know won't spin up his blood pressure):

"How's Der Furor working out for you? Has he learned to speak in complete sentences yet? You could probably have elected Clara and done better. Geez, the way he claims credit for everything, I'm surprised he hasn't boasted yet about how he beat that British king back in the 1700s. The way I see it, all he's done is undo what that Obama person did, while deliberately ignoring or insulting everybody but the people who already think he's the cat's meow*.

"As much as I hate to say it, Der Furor is pretty cat-like. He's naturally self-centered and overbearing, ignores everyone that can't do him immediate favors, and likes to deliberately knock things over just to see them fall. The major difference is that we don't feel the need to brag and send juvenile little messages to remind everyone of how clever and powerful we are. We just know. We watch, think, and plan. We don't waste energy. We don't go out of our way to make enemies.

"In short, we're a whole lot smarter than the humans you've picked to be your leaders."

And by the way, did you watch that mess of a "debate" last night? I've heard alley cats squalling that made a better impression. Someone described it as a cat fight, but on behalf of cats everywhere, I'm insulted.

Well, I could go on, but as you humans say, you've made your bed and now you have to lie in it. There's no point in wasting my time writing more, because you obviously didn't listen to me before and I've got better things to do. All I'll say is that I hope you think a little more before you do this voting thing in a few weeks.

Have whatever kind of day you want. I'm a cat, and I still don't care. Bilbo will be back later with his own thoughts. Until then, meow.


* He insults and demeans them, too ... he just does it in private.

1 comment:

Mike said...

I was glad to see Biden tell him to shut up.